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Savings Rates

Savings/Checking Rates
Account Type Min. Balance APY
Regular Savings $5.00 For Membership
$100.00 To Earn Dividend
Christmas Club $100.00 To Earn Dividend .50%
IRA Savings $100.00 To Earn Dividend .50%
Kids/Teens Club $5.00 For Membership
$100.00 To Earn Dividend
Educational Savings $100.00 To Earn Dividend .50%
Custodial/VUTMA $5.00 For Membership
$100.00 To Earn Dividend
Dreamer (MMSA) $0.00 - $4,999.99
$5,000 - $19,999.99
$20,000.00 or greater
Checking N/A N/A
Second Chance Checking N/A N/A
Share/IRA Certificate Rates
Account Type Min. Balance APY
6 Month $500 1.51%
12 Month $500 2.52%
24 Month $500 2.78%
36 Month $500 3.03%
48 Month $500 3.29%
60 Month $500 3.55%
Jumbo 12 Month $50,000 2.52%
*Century 12 Month  $100,000 2.52%
*12 Month Youth Special  $500 min./
$3,000 max

TIS Certificate

*Available for share certificate only